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Germs Don't Kill

The germ and viral theories of pathogenesis are tawdry lies used to scare people into submission to tyrants

Perhaps the greatest public service we can perform is to educate people about viruses and germs. They are the consequence of disease - not the cause. This idea is not new - its origins trace back to the 19th century work of Antoine Bechamps, a contemporary of the scientific fraud Louis Pasteur.

We know that calling Pasteur a fraud is heresy among certain quarters, but it is true. While we have covered that topic previously, we do not have time to rehash it again because we are more interested in promoting the truth rather than debunking a pastiche of ignorant lies. To the rescue is Dr Robert Young, a research scientist and naturopath who spent a great deal of time studying these matters, standing on the shoulders of giants who have preceded him.

At the core of the New Biology which Dr Young advocates is that acidosis is the primary cause of illness. In other words, internal acidic conditions in the body cause disease. When cells are exposed to acidic toxins, they turn into bacteria, or what is loosely termed germs.

Dr Young has repeatedly explained his observations under the microscope which documents this phenomenon. But he is by no means alone in his findings. Dr Thomas Cowan has written a succinct booklet explaining the fraudulent foundations of modern germ theory. He shows how the work of Dr Enders, the chief advocate of modern viral theory, was flawed if not crooked. Enders mixed a number of biological materials in his lab work, yet claimed that he was isolating viruses which were the cause of disease. This blatantly fraudulent technique is the basis of modern viral theory.

Young has repeatedly documented that no organization or government has once isolated SARS-CoV-2 or any other alleged "COVID" virus. Thus it is impossible to claim that this virus, or any other for that matter, is causitive of disease.

Acidosis is caused by eating foods which are acidic, exposure to radiation, and ultimately an inability of the body to breathe. When I say breathe, I refer to respiration, perspiration, defacation, and urination. When the body loses its ability to purge acids, they build up in the interstitial fluids, eventuating in cancer.

The solution to acidosis is to eat alkaline foods, and to flush it with alkaline fluids such as high pH water.

Dr Young's life has been targeted by pharmaceutical companies and government agencies, among whom I strongly believe are Bill Gates and Albert Bourla. CIA and Mossad then do the dirty work. Scores of top flight scientists have been murdered over the past 2 decades because of their advocacy of the New Biology or some of its tenets.

Good health is available to anyone. It requires work, and therein lies the rub. People prefer to take a drug, an operation, or some other voodoo because they are too lazy to do the work of good health.


Dr. Robert Young at ITNJ: Powerful Testimony on Eco-Poisons, Pharma Harms, Virus Lies, True Health (

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